Friday 29 August 2008

Pta Wants To Know Whats In 90210

The Parents Television Council, which single-handedly launched the letter-writing safari that induced the Federal Communications Commission to deepen its regulation of television set indecency, has suggested that the CW has non screened the pilot episode of the new 90210 series because it contains scenes that the net doesn't require sponsors to know about. The PTC is currently campaigning against the CW's Gossip Girl. (The CW is actually using quotes from the PTC's attacks in its ads to promote the show.) In a statement, the CW said, "Withholding the advance screener for 90210 has nothing to do with content concerns and everything to do with strategical marketing for the most anticipated new show of the pass season."


More info

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Terry Pratchett Attacks Alzheimers Drug Ruling

Best-selling writer Terry Pratchett has criticised a conclusion to limit the availability of the drug Aricept to people in the later stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Pratchett, an Alzheimer's martyr, will tell the BBC's Panorama tonight that the decision by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's (NICE) opinion felt "care an insult".

"Alzheimer's is a particularly unpleasant disease. I don't know anyone who's got better from Alzheimer's. It strips our humanness a mo at a time until you end up a vegetable," the 60-year-old writer will say tonight.

"Aricept bathroom slow the disease's advancement and costs just �2.50 a day. But there ar 400,000 Alzheimer's sufferers in the UK so Aricept has been ruled out for NHS utilization in the mild stages except in Scotland.

"I induce no trouble paying, but some people can't. My wife and PA noticed changes in me after two months on it. I ill-used to bollocks with buttons and posterior belts. Now I aim dressed normally and seat belts microscope slide in first time. Mentally, it's the difference between a sunny day and an overcast day," the Discworld serial publication writer declared.

"Alzheimer's scares people and at 04:00 in the morning it scares me, and Aricept is well worth having for the relief that it brings."

Pratchett said NICE's ruling was stripping patients of the benefits of the drug.

"I feel in particular angry on behalf of early onset patients because it feels like an insult and the younger you are the more than insulting it is," he said.

"It's probably easier to get drugs off Fat Charlie rung the back of the bus station than it is to get medicines - but there we are."

Pratchett was diagnosed with the disease back in December, since when he has been a tearing campaigner for sufferers of Alzheimer's.

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Saturday 9 August 2008


Artist: Mastifal




   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 13

Desde Las Tinieblas   
 Desde Las Tinieblas

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 14

Holocausto Mental   
 Holocausto Mental

Tracks: 11


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Glastonbury Festival Tickets Still On Sale Today

Tickets for this years Glastonbury Festival  are still on sale even though the event has officially got under way in Somerset.

Just under 800 tickets still remain for the festival, which has failed to sell out in advance for the first time in ten years.

To purchase your last minute ticket, click here, or call our ticket hotline on 0871 230 1098 for more information.

As previously reported on Gigwise, heavy showers socked many festvialgoers who had arrived early for the event last night (June 26th).

Although this year's festival was predicted to be the driest in years, heavy rain has been forecast for today with sunny spells set to arrive in time for the weekend.

This year's festival will be headlined by Kings of Leon, Jay-Z and The Verve. For more information, check out our Festival Guide.

See Also

Monday 30 June 2008

Britney Spears - Spears And Federline Heading To Custody Trial

Custody of BRITNEY SPEARS and KEVIN FEDERLINE's two young sons will be settled in a trial in August (08), after an attempt to settle out of court failed on Thursday (26Jun08).

The pair spent the day in talks with a mediator, but Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan has confirmed no agreement could be reached.

He tells E! News, "The mediation didn't result in an agreement that would avoid the trial set in August."

But he insists there was no breakdown in communication between the former couple, adding, "The mood was comfortable, positive and it was a mood that was consistent with opening at least a great dialogue, which is necessary.

"If the existing arrangement was acceptable to both parties... we wouldn't have to go to trial. But that didn't happen."

The trial is due to begin on 25 August (08), and would result in a final custody ruling.

Kaplan added that Federline is seeking sole physical and legal custody of Sean Preston and Jayden James. Federline was handed full custody of the boys after Spears was committed to a psychiatric facility to treat an alleged bipolar disorder following a stand-off with police and childcare officials in January (08).

Spears locked herself and her youngest son in the bedroom of her Hollywood home and initially refused to come out when a visitation period had ended.

Earlier this week (beg23Jun08), Spears was granted an extension to her custory rights when a judge agreed she could spend one night a week with her sons.

See Also

Victor Smolski

Victor Smolski   
Artist: Victor Smolski

Metal: Heavy


The Heretic   
 The Heretic

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 7

Majesty and Passion (J.S.Bach)   
 Majesty and Passion (J.S.Bach)

Tracks: 16



Sunday 29 June 2008

Tom Hanks - Hanks Urges Unions To Avoid Strike

Hollywood actor TOM HANKS has joined the calls for America's acting unions to approve a deal with studios to end the threat of an actors' strike this summer (08).

Actors are threatening walkouts at the end of June (08) if talks between the unions and major film studios fail to resolve a dispute over pay and conditions.

And now Hanks has added his name to an email petition urging members of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) to accept a deal offered by Hollywood chiefs.

If the union accepts the new agreement, it would be a major step forward in avoiding a strike which will cripple the U.S. film and TV industry - and put many thespians out of work.

Another actors union, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), is also negotiating a deal with the major studios - and SAG bosses are urging members of AFTRA to turn down the proposals.

See Also